


It is worth noting that while prophylaxis with antibiotics is most of the time effective in staving off BV, using antibiotics to prevent BV can have serious drawbacks. For one, while antibiotics do strip our body of the bad bacteria that can cause UTIs, they also strip our body of the good bacteria we need to keep a balanced intimate part. Without the good bacteria, your intimate part is primed for another bacterial or yeast infections that can more easily set in.





为您隆重介绍 ENCORE Like V!

  • Restores vaginal flora via intimate part acidification to its normal physiological pH level, leading to:
  • 减少致病(不友好)细菌
  • 增加内源性保护性(友好)乳酸杆菌,形成对感染的重要天然防御
  • Easy absorbent and can help maintain the natural lubrication required by the intimate part
  • 预防细菌性阴道炎复发

Don’t let intimate part odour get the best of you. Intimate part odour is about pH imbalance, not bad hygiene. If you are uncomfortable with your intimate part odour, take back control and be your best, fresh confident self. You now have an option to deal with intimate part odour that tackles the problem at its source and in a natural way.


Joesoef MR, Schmid GP, Hillier SL. Bacterial vaginosis: review of treatment options and potential clinical indications for therapy, Clin Infect Dis , 1999, vol. 28 (pg. 57-65) Google ScholarCrossrefPubMed


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