01-Basics to take care of your intimate part!
We, the women, have read a lot about how to keep our intimate parts healthy. Some of those tips must have definitely helped us but some must have us landed in trouble or were simply not easy to follow. So, making it simple for you, here we take you back to basics of maintaining intimate part health.
02-Mengapa kesihatan faraj kita penting ?
Maintaining intimate part health is not complicated but the benefits it provides are uncountable. A healthy intimate part gives your sex life a boost, keeps you happy down there, lowers your chances of infections and helps you spot cervical cancer early. As you must be shaking your head, read on to know the six basic things that a woman must do to keep her intimate part happy and healthy no matter how old she is.
03-Jalani ujian
Kolej Obstetrik dan Ginekologi Amerika menyarankan agar semua wania yangberusia 21 tahun dan ke atas untuk menjalani ujian pelvis sekali setahun. Selain itu, adakan juga lawatan berkala ke doktor anda agar mudah untuk doktor anda mengenal pasti jika terdapat ketidakseimbangan hormon dalam badan anda. Begitu juga dengan ujian mamogram yang sam peenting dengan ujian pelvis perlu dijalani secara kerap.
04-Lakukan saringan diri
Wanita juga digalakkan untuk melakukan saringan untuk kanser serviks serta HPV (infeksi yang boleh menyebabkan kanser serviks) setiap tiga tahun. Kedua-dua saringan ini dapat membantu doktor untuk mengenaalpasti jika terdapat sebarang abnormaliti dalam badan. Anda boleh berhenti menjalani saringan sekiranya umur anda sudah melepasi 65 tahun ataupun laporan ujian bagi 10 saringan terakhir anda adalah elok.
05-Elakkan diri daripada infeksi
When we talk about intimate part infections, what comes to our mind is yeast and fungal infections. And three out of every four women get either of these infections at some point in their lives says, Clinical Microbiology Reviews report. But there is another infection which occurs and is called bacterial vaginosis. It is marked by greyish and yellow discharge with a fishy smell. This infection affects around 3 million women every year. It is more common in pre-menopausal women.
06-Amalkan beberapa tabiat sihat bagi mencegah jangkitan
– Wear cotton underwear so that your intimate part can breathe. Change your underwear after every workout.
-Jangan lupa untuk mengambil supplemen probiotik sekiranya anda mengambil ubatan anitbiotik
– Bathe your intimate part with a mild soap which is free from added colours and fragrance as these two can irritate your intimate part.
07-Kenali UTI
UTIs are more common in women who are sexually active and those who use birth control methods like spermicidal agents and diaphragms. The spermicidal agent can change the pH level of the intimate part and diaphragm can trap bacteria.
08-Langkah Pencegahan UTI
-Jangan lupa untuk sentias kekal terhidrat dan membuang air sebeleum dan selepas melakukan seks.
-Sentiasa lap kawasan faraj anda dari hadapan ke belakang untuk mengelakkan bakteria
– Wear cotton underwear so that your intimate part can breathe.
09-Lakukan Senaman Kegel
Senaman Kegel merupakan sejenis senaman yang menguatkan otot pelvis (otot ini berfungsi untuk memegang uterus serta pundi kencing anda). Otot pelvis yang kuat dapat mengelakkan sebarang kebocoran pundi kencing serta mengurangkan rasa keperluan untuk membuang air secara kerap.